Detached Garage Policy



  1. Association policy shall be consistent with Washington County Code and Development standards (zoning) but may be more restrictive.

  2. To provide setbacks from property lines which provide for maintenance of the detached garage and to limit the visual impact of the structure from adjacent homes/properties


  1. Right of Denial: Detached garages can be denied a building permit because of size or appearance (Article V (a) (2)).

  2. Limitation on size: To assure that yards and required setbacks are not filled with detached garages, the Association will limit the total area of a detached garage to 440 square feet (22' x 22') Further, on properties with a detached garage, the total area of the detached garage plus all other accessory structures is not to exceed 600 square feet nor shall they collectively occupy more than 25 percent (25%) of the required yard or setback.

  3. Limitations on Placement: Accessory structures must be at least six (6) feet from one another.

  4. Setbacks: Detached garages shall not be located within a required front yard setback. a street side yard setback nor within the Association's side or rear yard easement (Article VII (b)).

    1. Front Yards and Street Side Yards: Detached garages are to be located behind the setback line as established in Exhibit C of the Restrictions (Article VI (a)), or behind the front or street side corners of the house. whichever is more restrictive. The Board of Directors may not waive the front or street side yard setback. (Article I (c))

    2. Side Yard: Not less than 5 feet from the side property line (Article VI (b)).

    3. Rear Yard: Not less than 15 feet from the rear property line.

  5. Board Approval Required: Any permit request for a detached garage must be reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors at a regularly scheduled meeting.

  6. Appearance: Detached garages are to be field built and are to be an extension of the home. The detached garage is to be designed and built to match the house, including roof design. roof pitch, roofing material and color, gutters fascia board, soffit detailing, siding, windows and paint scheme. Detached garages are to be built on a permanent foundation or concrete slab.

  7. Disallowed Uses: A detached garage shall not be finished or used for living purposes or converted to living space (Article IV (a)(1)). Any other use disallowed by the Restrictions shall apply equally to accessory structures.

  8. Association building Permit Required: A building permit issued by the Association is required prior to the erection of any detached garage on a home site. The permit shall be submitted with a site plane, drawn to scale, indicating the location of the house and garage, all property lines (with written setback dimensions), any fencing, hedges. etc., other existing accessory structures (with size indicated) and indication of the location a size of the proposed detached garage. In addition, a drawing of all four sides of the proposed garage and a floor plan, drawn to scale, shall be provided indicating the width, length and height of the proposed garage. Such graphic representation shall include a specification of doors and windows, garage overhead door, roofing, siding, and other proposed materials, including the color scheme.

  1. Jurisdictional Permit Required: For detached garages requiring a jurisdictional permit, the applicant shall provide the Association with a copy of the approved permits(s) for their file prior to commencement of work, if approved by the Association. Generally, any garages over ten (10) feet in height or over 200 square feet in area or has electrical service requires a building permit from the County in addition to the permit obtained from the Association.


Adopted by Board of Directors                                                                                   

Mark Swan, President

Homes Association of Cedar Hills,    

Date: _________July 8,  2014_____